Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Irish Flag Baby Blanket

Lisa, the wife of one of my coworkers, is probably the biggest source of my "custom order" business. And she is damn proud of her Irish heritage.

She asked me last month to make a Irish flag baby blanket for her newest grandson, with a white border and a matching ear flap hat. Due to moving at the beginning of February, I just got started on this 2 weekends ago. So far, I have gotten the flag portion completed, and have started working on the white border. Below is my progress:

Note: I am THE WORST photographer ever, so all of my projects are going to look much wonkier/crooked/weird in photos than they do in real life.

Pretty easy project, except I must have miscalculated the gauge when I got started and the blanket is a little bit smaller than I would like. SO, I'm going to be doing a thicker white border than I intended but I think it will look nice and Lisa will be happy with the final product!

This better shows the actual colors
Close up of the stitches
UPDATE: Finished the baby blanket and hat set on 3/1/2013!

And just to show you that I am not kidding about how serious Lisa is about her heritage, here's a pic of a previous Irish-themed baby blanket that I made for her, based off the Mitre Square Baby Blanket pattern. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Post!

My name is Jen, though you probably have figured that out by now. I live & work in Newark, Delaware. I have my own knitting/crochet business . . . .which sounds like it would be a lot of fun (it is) but it is also a TON of work.

I started this blog to keep better track of my yarn-related projects, but I'll also be posting about a bunch of other things . . . . what I'm reading, awesome deals that I've found in stores/online (i'm a crazy coupon lady), new products or businesses that I think are awesome (or not so awesome), cool DIY projects that I've tried and from November through March. . . COLLEGE BASKETBALL!!